Sunday, October 26, 2008

Long Time No Post

So I finally found my battery charger, but our computer is down so my online time is limited to whenever Sam is home with his laptop. Hopefully or home computer will be repaired soon and my post will not be so few and far between.

This is our new house a week before we closed on it so the final grading had not been done yet.

The back of our house also before the final grade.

So we are loving our new home after being here for two months. The girls love all the extra room, as do I. It is still hard to believe that it is ours. Of course, Sam always tells me it's the banks. Well, at least they let us live here.

We have had a busy fall, but it has been very enjoyable except for maybe the 10 inches of rain we got in one day. Gramma and Grampa Bair came to visit us in early September. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute until it was time for them to go home. The girls were really sad. They love playing with Grampa and Gramma. Grace keeps telling us we are going to Idaho to see them next week.

Grampa Bair and Grace being silly on our visit to Cowtown.

Grace giving Gramma a push on the swing at Cowtown.

I'll try harder to post more but life sometimes takes me in directions I can't forsee. I am truly grateful for the many happy blessings we have received lately.